Healthy Eating
Adolescence is a time of physical growth and development – the most rapid since infancy. It requires adequate intake of energy and nutrients. Eating a nourishing breakfast and a healthy lunch allows students to take full advantage of the education provided for them.
The Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children (HBSC, 2006) report has shown that many adolescents have poor eating habits. Skipping breakfast and/or lunch is a habit reported by up to 17% of students, while many do not eat good food or drink enough fluid. All this can lessen their concentration levels and make learning more difficult. Research has also show that the foods eaten at lunchtime can affect behaviour in the classroom during the afternoon: consuming food and drink that are high in fats and sugars, especially fizzy drinks, may cause over–activity, resulting in difficult classroom management.
For young people to achieve their full potential, it is essential that they eat healthily. The encouragement of healthy eating practices from a young age will help provide the building blocks for lifelong health and wellbeing.
The school encourages students to consume healthy foods and drinks and the following items are not permitted during the school day:
Fizzy drinks including isotonic and energy drinks e.g. Red Bull, Powerade, BPM, Lucozade and Lucozade sport
Chewing Gum
Chips and fast food
In the spirit of partnership, the school asks parents to support this policy and our efforts to educate students in ColáisteDún an Rí about healthy eating options. We also ask to parents to reinforce the guidelines in relation to food stuffs not permitted in the school with their children.
More information can be found in the school policy, or obtained by contacting the school.